Available in: Copper and Bronze finish. Machine weighs 7.9-oz.
One of the only pens in the market where you can easily adjust the swing to 4 different swing lengths: 2.5mm, 2.9mm, 3.4mm, 3.8mm, & 4.2mm.
The Inkjecta Flite Nano Elite is a rotary tattoo machine for cartridges
A must have for all artist on social media. Take the best pictures with the perfect lighting.
Steve Soto による スカル&ローズDVDタトゥーチュートリアル は、黒とグレーのタトゥー、特にスカルとバラに焦点を当てたアーティスト向けの広範なガイドを提供します。 受賞歴のある著名なアーティスト Steve Soto が主導するこのチュートリアルでは、最初のスケッチの下書きから最終的なタトゥーの実行までのすべてをカバーしています。 この特定のスタイルの技術と理解の両方を向上させるように設計されており、黒とグレーのデザインで優れることを目指すアーティストに合わせた包括的な指示を提供します。
Flux Max with PowerBolt V2 with built-in menu via digital display and state-of-the-art technology that adapts and optimizes in real time for a smoother feel.
Looking for replacement Motors, Cams, Slide & Springs?
The Flux offers your machine with a 10 hour run time and 1.5 hour charging time. Available in Single Pen or Combo Pack with extra battery.
The Inkjecta Flite Nano Titan is is a rotary tattoo machine for cartridges.
Xtreme graywashes go into easy have a cool undertone that contrasts perfectly in the skin.
Xtreme whitewashes works just like our original graywashes but heals like an opaque gray.
Run up to 2 machines with a magnetic stand that allows you to mount and turn your power unit in any direction/angle.
Tanan’s signature set includes five special shades that blend together effortlessly and heal perfectly.
Get your Exo today, with the power of the wireless with the wire option put into 1. The best of both worlds.
Tanan’s signature set includes five special shades that blend together effortlessly and heal perfectly.
The Inkjecta Flite Nano Lite is a stripped down version of the Flite Nano Elite
May the 4th special edition colors. Bounty Hunter and FKD2 Limited Colors
15 of the most common colors used fore realism tattoos by award winning artist Ato Legaspi
10 of the perfect colors pallets for the Japanese traditional tattoo.
Xion Gorilla available colors: Stelath, Golden Back & GoldRush.