Review Order Summary
Product Name Item # Price Each Qty Total
Tag #45 - TAG #45 Topical Anagesic Gel 1-oz Remove NUM-TAG45 $42.00 $42.00
Hover Power Supply - Hover Power Supply by FK Irons Remove PS-HOVER $249.99 $249.99
Ultra Duration - Ultra Duration Topical Analgesic Liquid 1oz Remove NUM-ULTRADURATION $42.00 $42.00
T2 UFO II Wireless Pen - T2 UFO II Pen Machine Set Remove T2UFOII $280.00 $280.00
Hawk Motor (10-Year Edition) - MATTE GREY Cheyenne HAWK Legend Motor with Grips & Cables (CB-26) Remove CH-HAWK-GREY $506.00 $506.00
DOTC Anesthetic Cream - DOTC Blue Pain Stopper Cream 12 Grams Remove NUM-DOTC $42.00 $42.00
Light Blonde - Scalp Micropigmentation LIGHT BLONDE 1/2-oz Remove NC-LBL-1/2 SMP $15.00 $15.00
Black - Scalp Micropigmentation BLACK 1/2-oz Remove NC-BLA-SMP1/2 $15.00 $15.00
Dark Brown - Scalp Micropigmentation DARK BROWN 1/2-oz Remove NC-DB-SMP1/2 $15.00 $15.00
Carbon Tattoo Machine - Open Box Carbon Tattoo Machine Remove OPEN BOX TMF-CARBON $15.00 $15.00
Medium Brown - Scalp Micropigmentation MEDIUM BROWN 1/2-oz Remove NC-MB1/2 SMP $15.00 $15.00
Red Head SMP Pigment - Scalp Micropigmentation RED HEAD 1/2-oz Remove NC-RH1/2 $15.00 $15.00
Grey - Scalp Micropigmentation GREY1/2-oz Remove NC-GRE-SMP1/2 $15.00 $15.00
Dark Blonde - Scalp Micropigmentation DARK BLONDE 1/2-oz Remove NC-DBL1/2 SMP $15.00 $15.00
Tattoo Machine Holder - Tattoo Machine Gun Holder Remove TM-GH $13.00 $13.00
Sub Total: (15 items)
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